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Blog Posts

Writer's pictureJason A. Duprat MBA, MSA, APRN, CRNA

The Ketamine Academy: Helping Educate Others On Providing Ketamine Therapy

Hello and welcome. It is Susan from

I am a blogger that suffers with Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD), Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I was introduced to Ketamine for TRD in January 2015. I am forever grateful that I was. I spent the first two years focused on my recovery. I now have an excellent treatment plan in place, but that does not clear me from obstacles or pitfalls. I journal regularly. I educate and advocate for Ketamine Therapy to help treat depression.

I write for The Ketamine Academy, as well as, my personal blog, MyKetamineStory. com to help those considering Ketamine therapy for treatment resistant depression or those interested in becoming a Ketamine provider to those of us suffering with profound depression.

I try to educate professionals that are interested in providing Ketamine to their patients. I have joined forces with The Ketamine Academy, an online Ketamine provider training course, in order to spread the word about Ketamine and hopefully get more practitioners to open new Ketamine clinics with the ultimate goal of aiding people plagued with a disease I am intimately familiar with. I also want there to be a plethora of options for seeking Ketamine therapy available to patients with treatment resistant depression. I truly enjoy adding Ketamine clinics to my Ketamine provider list in the hopes of reaching more individuals, like me, that have been struggling for years with multiple failed treatments find a Ketamine facility in their area or at least close enough to realistically return to for maintenance doses every couple weeks or once a month.

In this blog, I want to discuss why there is such an immense calling for more Ketamine providers and how The Ketamine Academy can help. I personally feel there is a profound need for more professionals to offer this life saving treatment to those of us suffering with biochemical imbalances in our brains. There are not nearly enough providers willing to educate themselves on Ketamine in order to administer this quick acting antidepressant to those of us that have been repeatedly unresponsive to the more traditional forms of medicines for battling our illnesses.

There is a massive need for more professionals willing to educate themselves and extend the service of Ketamine therapy to those of us that may end our stories due to the inability to obtain relief from our horrific symptoms. Many of us have yet to uncover the advantages Ketamine has to bestow upon us.

There are more and more articles being written about the effectiveness of Ketamine in treating resistant depression, as well as, other mental illnesses – and not excluding a continuing problem with those serving in the military that return to their families with Post Traumatic Stress Disorders. This is incredible news for those of us that have been waging a war with our minds for decades.

There is an online Ketamine training course, through the Ketamine Academy to help potentially interested parties learn what they need to know to become Ketamine providers. The groundwork is there.

It is a an online training course designed to assist others with the ins and outs of becoming a Ketamine provider. I know first hand how imperative it is to have more people able and available to administer Ketamine, in a safe environment, in order to reach more sufferers with treatment resistant depression.

The Ketamine Academy is a training program designed to help educate and coach practitioners on becoming Ketamine providers. It teaches you the step by step process of becoming a Ketamine provider and small business owner, starting with day one deciding to open a Ketamine clinic straight through to the opening day of your new office. This program is high on the business side. It puts all the time consuming searches for procedures and regulations in one location. Those interested in becoming Ketamine Providers could easily have their clinic doors opened at least 3 or 4 months sooner if they utilize the Ketamine Academy’s online training course that takes the guesswork out of starting your own Ketamine clinic.

The facts:

It provides a step by step systematic approach to becoming a Ketamine provider with options for additional hands on clinical rotation training.

The average person working a full time job while enrolled in the Ketamine program can look to invest five or six months of their time. This completion time can vary depending on how motivated you are and how flexible your schedule is. The more time you can dedicate to the training course the speedier the return on your investment.

It offers a lot of marketing knowledge. The types of marketing that have worked, and those methods are discussed in the course. It covers in depth, website design and helps students understand how Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can work for their website and clinic.

It is a great way to gain control of your career.

The possibility of no longer working in a hospital environment with the long, grueling shifts.

It is an intriguing way to make a living.

You could work for the people while also building a company you can be proud of, that provides a huge service to those suffering with Treatment Resistant Depression.

You could be self employed. You can begin investing in yourself and your clinic.

The idea of being independent is appealing to many.

The Ketamine provider course will help walk you through the process from someone that has already taken the risk and learned from the various pitfalls that were overcome and created a step by step guide to help others avoid costly mistakes.

You could begin assisting a community that have given up hope that their lives could improve.

The Ketamine Academy offers a real opportunity to find freedom and independence.

Another main reason one would enroll in the online Ketamine training course could easily come down to avoiding spending countless hours reading, testing, adjusting, and recalculating. The founder, Jason Duprat, has already put in the time that was needed to create a working model for those interested in becoming their own boss and providing a huge service to people like me, that have not responded to the traditional methods for treating clinical depression.

There is also valuable information on state laws and regulations.

The Ketamine Academy will explain where to locate the relevant reading. You will have access to Ketamine protocols, such as, how other Ketamine clinics operated.

It also helps to know how a patient responds to Ketamine and what to expect from the treatments from a patient’s perspective. All these aspects are covered in the Ketamine Infusion Therapy course.

The program will have pertinent templates of the various forms you will need to open your doors for business.

The online course explains all elements of the business including patient care and Ketamine dosing.

It helps you understand and know about taxes and setting up an employment Identification card, state financial projections and expenses, and what the ranges are.

You will also have access to the creator of the course throughout the training and afterwards if questions arise.

There is high demand for a program or teaching course to help healthcare professionals establish a safe low cost Ketamine clinic to help administer this new therapy for Treatment Resistant Depression.

As a business start-up, the cost and the luxury of working for yourself providing a life saving therapy, the cost is manageable.

There is also a discussion forum.

They also have a Facebook page for students to use to address questions, concerns, offer helpful tips, a space to share experiences, and a public forum to ask for suggestions.

The Ketamine Academy welcomes anyone, but is geared towards Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA), Nurse Practitioners (NP), Physician Assistants (PA) and Physicians.

The Ketamine Academy’s training program can also be used as continuing education by students.

The Ketamine Academy has all of the information necessary to open your Ketamine clinic in one concentrated location. Practitioners will greatly benefit from Jason’s experience and the comprehensive online Ketamine Infusion Therapy training course.

Students will have access to new information and updates. The Ketamine Academy will send website updates and all relevant course changes. When new and exciting Ketamine related stories or studies are discovered, it will be shared with the students, even after completion of the course. Once you enroll in the Ketamine course you will be placed on a mailing list and you will continue to receive updates when there are changes to the course content.

The Ketamine Infusion Therapy training course also includes 5 hours of mentorship.

They also have additional consultation offers. You can purchase extended one-on-one time with the instructor.

The program will have open access, so you can literally start anywhere. If you are a nurse practitioner, it is suggested that you start by reading the Practice Act. Doctors can start by analyzing the market. You can hop around and read what interests you or select the first link and work your way through the program systematically.

There really is no right or wrong way to approach the program. This program was built to appeal to all learning styles. They have videos, written content, template forms that have proven to work, audio clips, interview with a ketamine patient, quizzes, and more.

You can begin at any spot in the program and cherry pick what information you specifically need or you could start with their topic list. It is built in the order you would benefit as well as your new business, too.

It begins with the topic All About Ketamine, but you can freely select the information that is most relevant and skip around the topics in the program list to suit your personal needs.

The program also addresses the start up costs along with how long it may take you to recoup your investment.

The Online Ketamine Infusion training course will save you time and money. It helps save you from expensive mistakes, and time reading irrelevant information.

The Ketamine training course will help you read and understand the Nurse Practice Act.

It will assist you in determining your scope of practice. This alone will save you hours of research; time spent in locating the information needed to give the answers you will benefit from; saving you time and money.

The Ketamine training course will allow you to move forward with your new business opportunity.

The course will cover taxes, creating an employee handbook, hiring techniques, insurance costs and it will even offer steps for picking a location and negotiating rental agreements.

The Ketamine Infusion Therapy Training Course will cover licensing and could possibly save you time and money by directing you to what forms to fill out for your business, thus avoiding fees from filling out unnecessary paperwork.

Once the training course is completed, it will qualify for Continuing Education Units (CEU). There are several divisions or classes that offer credits that can qualify for continuing education. There are Class A and Class B – categories – for lack of a better term right now. The difference is based primarily on whether a program or course includes comprehensive exams. There are also different types of accreditation based on job titles. For example: an allergy clinic might issue CME credits, a nurse will apply for CE credits and CRNA’s apply for CEU. If you are unsure if The Ketamine Academy can be submitted and used to fulfill your continuing education requirements, feel free to email Jason Duprat for more information at

The mentoring/consult is designed to help assist in the complete set-up of your Ketamine clinic. They also offer on-site training for an in-depth, hands on approach to covering the Ketamine protocol. On site training is similar to clinical rotation or on the job training. The founder may travel to your new Ketamine clinic and provide hands on clinical training, in order to demonstrate the day to day tasks. It is face to face, in-house training to further assist a client.

It has mastermind groups. Mastermind groups typically consist of highly experienced business professionals and medical providers collaborating together. These groups are generally an excellent method for brainstorming, sharing experiences, discussing successes and helpful tips for troubleshooting. There is hope that by putting together a mastermind group, that will meet a couple times a year in a central location, everyone involved can share business and health care experiences and learn from one another. These groups help limit possible pitfalls because of the combination of talent and experience.

Basically, The Ketamine Academy training course will encompass everything you need to know and what you need to address in order to become a Ketamine provider.

Feel free to visit The Ketamine Academy to enroll today. If you are fascinated, but not yet ready to commit, I recommend the free trial to help you determine whether you want to invest in yourself and in this is new online ketamine infusion training course.

Until next time, feel free to comment or shoot me an email. Better yet, if you are a healthcare provider, why not sign up for the Ketamine training course today through The Ketamine Academy. Be a force of positive change. Be an option. Be a place for those suffering with Treatment Resistant Depression or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to turn when all other avenues have been exhausted.

Ketamine is hope.

If you are interested in educating yourself further on Ketamine therapy for Treatment Resistant Depression, check out the four-part series I wrote answering questions about Ketamine use, based on my experience with Ketamine therapy over the past 3.5 plus years:

My first blog, Ketamine: Addressing Questions & Concerns focused on my early experience with Ketamine Infusions.

In part two of the series, Addressing Questions & Concerns About Ketamine Therapy for Treatment Resistant Depression I addressed questions and concerns about Intramuscular Ketamine vs Ketamine Infusion therapy.

In my third blog, Frequently Asked Questions: Redefining Depression With The Assistance Of Ketamine Therapy, I was a bit more random. I had emails with several questions and themes, and I addressed as many inquiries as I could.

In my final question and answer dialogue, Pondering Concerns & Questions: The Benefits Of Ketamine For Treatment Resistant Depression, I discussed research, clinical studies, and the need for changes to occur within our insurance companies and federal government so that maybe one day Ketamine will not be so difficult to afford or obtain, from any qualified professional.

I hope these personal blogs from a patient that suffered for over four decades with treatment resistant depression will be helpful in convincing you why Ketamine could help you or someone you love.


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